At a Trump golf course. After lunch of burger and fries the president is on his phone and heading back to watch Fox News. He was calling Rupert Murdoch to complain about the photo that showed him looking fat in his golf shirt. Trump put the phone away. The Secret Service guys were busy trying to find his golf balls.
Interviewer: Good afternoon Mr. President
Trump: (surprised) Hey! What….are you part of the Deep State out to get me?
I: No sir, Mr. President, I don’t even know what that means. I am from Nebraska.
DT: So, what fake news media do you work for? How did you get in? No collusion, no obstruction said Barr. The man is a saint.
I: I am a free-lance writer. The First Lady invited me to lunch here in the club. She suggested I ask you about bullying.
DT: great! She knows nothing, she is probable a Russian agent, you know. I brought her from one of those -stan places. She could ask Putin to come and testify.
I: Congress is calling her to testify.
DT: Who?
I: Stormy
DT: She can’t testify because she is my wife. Her English is no good. that is entrapment.
I: How about the video of you and Billy Bush?
DT: Are you a clown? I can’t talk about that. The enemies of the people framed me with Stormy (boy miss those boobs!).
I: Mr. President…
DT: that’s it. Get out of here.
I: How about the Subpoenas from Congress?
DT: As I said, no collusion, no obstruction. Nadler is loco, Pocahontas is insane, like low-energy Biden. Too much touching. Now the Dems can’t talk about Stormy.
I: And about those Tariffs on China?
DT: Enough! Xin is my friend. No collusion. Goodbye! Go back to Mexico!