he judiciary has been under attack by President Trump who complained about the liberal decisions of the courts on immigration, education, healthcare and more. And then he thought he would appoint the most conservative judges in order to have favorable judgments from the Supreme Court of The United States, SCOTUS. But if he believes these men and women who have made a career out of studying and applying the law, he may be surprised. Furthermore such expectations betray a lack of knowledge about the constitution and the rule of law.
Neither the Justice Department nor the courts will just obey blindly. He may have allies in both, but there is ample evidence that a president cannot force our institutions to do his bidding. Nixon failed during Watergate, and now Trump has just poked the bear and got a swift response from the Chief Justice, John Roberts, who said there are no liberal judges, or conservative judges on his Supreme Court, just judges who apply the law of the land. In the same way that he resented former Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia investigation, now Trump believes that his appointees to the court will defend his interests.
Trump must fear that a Congress, under the control of Democrats, will start hearings, subpoenas and investigations into his taxes, the Russia intervention in the 2016 election, and his relationship with the Saudi Arabia government. What is in evidence with the president’s behavior on several fronts is that he was not a politician when he decided to run, and that now the country is paying the price for his lack of experience and his ethical lapses. Now it is up to the politicians of both parties to stop this president and force him to respect the constitution.
Fernando Méndez.