The United States could be losing its essence as a nation. The “63rd Safe ” application, described as the “Yelp for conservatives”, could become a segregation instrument in its attempt to give peace of mind to president Trump´s followers, who feel insecure in commercial premises where they can be submitted to scrutiny from their political adversaries.
Creating spaces which welcome the president´s supporters, sends a reverse message to people with a different way of thinking who may feel those spaces as not suitable for them.
However, it is remarkable that in the land of freedom a group of conservatives, according to a Fox report, has created a smartphone application recommending restaurants and businesses where the followers of the US president, Donald Trump, can feel “safe “, from the liberals scrutiny and comments.
The app was created after several members of Trump’s government and other supporters were forced to leave restaurants after being booed by activists.
Scott Wallace, the app developer, explained on Trump´s favorite program “Fox & Friends”, that the aim is “to get politics out of local businesses and local restaurants.”
“We wanted to make sure that people could let others know what restaurants may have a political bend. We´re not looking to try and find restaurants that are ‘conservative’ or ‘pro-Trump’, ” he stated.
The app, which has a national presence, allows users to qualify restaurants as “safe” or “unsafe” for conservatives, basing their opinion on four questions.
The “63rd safe” questionnaire includes: “Does this business serve persons of every political belief?”, “Will the business protect its customers if they are attacked for political reasons?”, “Does this business allow legal concealed carry under this state´s laws? “, and” Does it avoid politics in its ads and social media postings? “.
Wallace said to the Daily Beast newspaper that the application will grow popular before the 2020 elections, anticipating that Trump´s supporters will likely be attacked by “socialist thug squads.” He mentioned specifically the anti-fascist group “Antifa.”
He said that he was worried about the current state of Antifa and what it could become in 2020.
One of the restaurants labeled “safe” in the application is The Red Hen in Lexington (Virginia, USA), where White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave.
Other Trump officials, such as Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, and Counsellor to the president, Kellyanne Conway, have faced protests and attacks from other customers while dining at different restaurants.
Translated by: Jose Espinoza