In a federal court in Boston, a lawsuit was filed against President Trump’s administration, for initiating since August 7 a measure that eliminated “special visas” for sick people with advanced medical treatment they cannot get in their countries of origin.
According to material released by the Voice of the Americas, “the Massachusetts American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Lawyers for Civil Rights filed the lawsuit on Thursday.”
The plaintiffs are urgently seeking to reverse the August 7 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) decision that ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
Among the effects of the government’s administrative action is the suspension of the program that allows foreign citizens who live and receive health services in the United States for up to two years while they or their family members receive medical treatment.
On none of the occasions has the USCIS responded to the request for comments.
The agency said on Monday that it will continue to process applications filed before Aug. 7 after objections from doctors, immigration attorneys and civil rights groups.
The Citizenship and Immigration Services was responsible at the time for sending notifications to people who are in the country in that special situation.
Criticism, testimonials and complaints for cruel treatment and violations of international treaties have been submitted, but people who are in the country receiving medical treatment for critical illnesses seem to have their days counted before their deportation.
Social media have made viral the opinions of people who reject the measure. They described it as a cruel change, which could force migrants to accept lower quality treatment in their countries of origin, where there are often economic limitations and it is difficult to receive specialized medical treatment.
Turning to racism
Civil rights groups argue that the decision to end the decades-long humanitarian assistance policy was taken without public announcement in advance and without the explanation required by law to amend important federal government regulations.
They also consider that the decision was based on racial and ethnic hostility and a desire to limit non-European immigration and therefore in violation of the Constitution.
Kenneth Cuccinelli, Acting Director of the agency, days before the USCIS cancelled the program, suggested in an interview that the famous Statue of Liberty phrase “Give me your tired, your poor” referred to people from Europe, not from other nations, according to the demand.
The ACLU and Lawyers for Civil Rights also mention various public statements by Trump and the political decisions aimed at restricting the legal and illegal immigration of people from non-European nations.
Carol Rose, executive director of the ACLU in Massachusetts, said the Trump government is committed to causing as much suffering as possible to immigrant families. This attack on children and their families is inhuman and illegal.
Translated by: José Espinoza