The Mueller report has Democrats talking impeachment. Nancy Pelosi thinks the Democrats should not lead the national conversation with that topic. She and other Democratic Party leaders consider Trump’s actions so outrageous that impeachment is not off the table, but they think it is much better to focus their efforts on beating him in 2020. In order to present a credible option for the voters they need a strong candidate, with genuine leadership ability, unblemished public record and a strong media presence. There are over a dozen aspirants to the helm, but nobody has taken the lead who might meet those basic requirements, and those on the scene right now may not be there in a few months.
It is definitely too early to say if anybody will make it all the way to the convention but not too early to come out as a candidate. At this point they must begin to raise money. Elizabeth Warren had the lead, but the most recent poll shows a decrease in her popularity. If Biden does announce as expected he might become the leader of the group by virtues of name recognition and support from big money, but he will not last through the process. His age is an issue and the Republicans will portray him as a predator who kisses women inappropriately. Trump will try to make us forget the famous video of his crass assertion about grabbing women. Biden seems finally ready to jump into the primary process but he could be late because there are other credible candidates like Beto O’Rourke and “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg. Biden should not run because he has no money, he is starting late and he has too many negatives. Buttigieg has raised money, and he represents a leap as far as what we expect form a candidate. One writer wondered how the public will react when Buttigieg wins the nomination and turns around to express his gratitude towards his husband. He will be the first presidential candidate to kiss his husband in front of the convention. Let’s imagine Trump’s reaction and his immediate desire to attack the candidate for reasons other than his political platform.
Speaking of platforms, it is imperative that the Democratic candidate construct a platform that doesn’t lean as far to the left as Bernie Sanders and AOC want to go. We would like free education and free healthcare for all, but those are not proposals that will lead a candidate to the White House. Beto O’Rourke wants to make immigration the main issue of the 2020 campaign, but he needs a platform. It is difficult to forecast the primary results at this stage but we can safely predict that those at the top of the list will not be there in a few months. We also dare to predict, based on past elections and common sense that Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders will not win. And no matter who represents the Democratic Party, that candidate will be better than the present occupant of the White House. Stop talking impeachment and prepare for a bitter battle.