We know Trump likes to make outrageous claims about how smart he is and what he has accomplished. But we know better and even after almost three years of constant lies and exaggerations we cannot get used to his claims and can be surprised by him.
He said from day one the he was the only one who could do something about the economy and that he was going to do something about the countries that had been taking advantage of the United States. He said he has the best credentials because he graduated from Wharton, because he has “a big brain” and he is a “stable genius.” He said he could make a deal with anyone and that he knows how to win and started undo every deal we have made with other countries and organizations. He proceeded to attack our friends in NATO, dismantled NAFTA, and withdrew our country from the Paris Climate Accords claiming that there is no global warming. He said he believed Putin’s denials above all the seventeen intelligence agencies who accused the Russian dictator of interfering in the election of 2016. And his supporters would still vote for him, willing to set aside his lies and distortions. Mitch McConnell and the rest of the GOP leadership has failed to react Trump’s vicious attacks on black leaders like Sharpton and Representative Cummings. They were not moved to react to the fact that he seemed to have gone too far attacking The Squad, the four congresswomen and directing Israel’s Netanyahu to stop two of them from entering Israel.
It is incredible to believe that Hispanics, women, Muslims and others who have suffered from Trump’s decisions will not vote to stop him. Some pundits like Ray Suarez, state that one of the data points from a recent study shows that LatinX voters seem more motivated than excited about the election. He believes they are turned off by the tone of the national debate about the election, deciding “I’m mad as hell, and I am going to stay home.” He says healthcare, education , student debt are more important issues to them than immigration. And now, on the international stage at the G-7 meeting in Paris, Donald Trump was unhinged, ignorant and stupid, lying about obvious things that could be fact checked immediately, exaggerating his achievements, and attacking his predecessor in the White House. He said Putin took Crimea from Obama after stating that he is an environmentalist, when everybody knows he is not, and he skipped the G-7 discussion on the environment while lying about the reason. He said he had to meet Angela Merkel and Indian PM Modi, but both were at the meeting. The world witnessed his madness. Let’s see what happens when Congress returns from vacation. He is telling aides to break the law in order to build his wall, promising to pardon them if they are caught. The GOP might finally understand that this man’s insanity could bring serious permanent damage to the world.