A patriotic video with proselytizing overtones was posted yesterday at the @realdonaldtrump account, an audiovisual material that is part of the celebration of Donald Trump´s two-year term and whose central theme is the “American First” expression.
With a tone that recalls the emotional filaments of the party language, on the Head of State´s “fixed tweet” account, the New Yorker says that “we will bring back our jobs, we will bring back our borders, we will bring back our wealth, we will bring back our dreams.”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2019
Yesterday, the United States president celebrated half of his period standing on a difficult scenario. He has been using as a strategy putting on Democrats the responsibility of an important group of conflicts that affect the nation.
For Donald Trump the refusal to give him the budget he demands for the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico, the fifth week government shutdown , and the fact that “the left” rejected without evaluating his last proposal to reopen the administration, is evidence that Democrats are moved by the 2020 electoral issue.
The last tactical move made by the former star of “telereality”, was an offer he made last Saturday to the Democrats in which he extend for three years two immigration protections canceled by himself: the Deferred Action for Arrivals in Childhood (DACA) and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) -in this case suspended only for some countries. Of course, he wanted the financing of the wall on the border as consideration.
The Democrats´ answer was a categorical “no” that gave way to a chain of Donald Trump tweets aimed at bombarding the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosy.
“Nancy Pelosi and some of the Democrats turned down my offer yesterday before I even got up to speak. They don’t see crime & drugs, they only see 2020 (when the next presidential elections are planned) which they are not going to win.” he tweeted.
He added: “They should do the right thing for the Country & allow people to go back to work.”
Nancy Pelosi and some of the Democrats turned down my offer yesterday before I even got up to speak. They don’t see crime & drugs, they only see 2020 – which they are not going to win. Best economy! They should do the right thing for the Country & allow people to go back to work.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2019
The president of the House of Representatives´ behavior has enervated the US president, who indicated on a tweet that Pelosi “has behaved so irrationally & has gone so far to the left that she has now officially become a Radical Democrat.”
“She is so petrified of the “lefties” in her party that she has lost control…And by the way, clean up the streets in San Francisco, they are disgusting!” said Trump, referring to the district that Pelosi represents.
Nancy Pelosi has behaved so irrationally & has gone so far to the left that she has now officially become a Radical Democrat. She is so petrified of the “lefties” in her party that she has lost control…And by the way, clean up the streets in San Francisco, they are disgusting!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2019
Donald Trump is also under the shadow of hypothetical investigations that could be opened from the House of Representatives to know about details of the so-called Russian plot.
Likewise, the progressive legislators have the courage to undertake inquiries about the New Yorker’s business and his tax behavior. This based on reasonable doubts that the congressmen have developed from judicial processes where “ex-collaborators of Trump” have brought in court-appointed declarations of an incriminating nature that could open the way to an “impeachment”.
Facing these possible moves on the board ,Trump advanced his opinion right after the results of the midterm elections were known, when he warned that if the opposition promotes investigations on him or his business, there will be consequences.
“They can play that game, but we can play it better, because we have a thing called the United States Senate and a lot of questionable things were done between leaks of classified information and many other elements that should not have taken place”, he said then.
On this line, two BuzzFeed reporters, revealed data that President Trump “instructed” his former lawyer to lie to Congress in relation to the real estate project that the rich New Yorker had for Moscow.
For the Democrats if these statements are true, the parliament could start the “impeachment” process or wait for the President resignation.
BuzzFeed, the American Internet media company focused on tracking viral content, through its editors Jason Leopold and Anthony Cormier, revealed that two American officials “involved in an investigation” related to the lawyer Michael Cohen, provided the data to special prosecutor Robert Mueller.
The journalistic work points out that President Donald Trump instructed his personal ex-lawyer, Michael Cohen, to lie to Congress about the project of the president to place a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Translated by: José Espinoza