Jeff Sessions announced on May 7, 2017 that the United States would separate children from their parents. “I have put in place a zero tolerance policy for illegal entry on our Southwest border,” said the former Attorney General. He announce that anybody smuggling a child would be prosecuted. “And that child will be separated from you.” Trump’s Chief of Staff, General John Kelly, reiterated that the policy would be applied as a deterrent. That policy has led to a situation along the U.S. border where about 100 children were found to be living in unsanitary condition that included outbreaks of the flu and lice.
More outrageous still was the response of Rep. Michael Burgess of Texas, during an interview on MSNBC All In with Chris Hayes. He said the children are free to leave, there is no lock on the door at a detention facility, but they don’t, said the congressman, “Because they are well taken care of.” When questioned about his reaction concerning the border situation with the children, Trump said he was concerned. “And they are much better than they were under President Obama, by far,” said the president, closing his lips as though getting ready to whistle, which he often does when he tells big lies.
The bodies of a father and his young daughter were found drowned at the border and that is the result of the zero tolerance policy. The Trump administration will respond that they are applying the law and the people who have entered this country illegally have no rights, and therefore they can be imprisoned, and the families can be separated. The Trump administration is not interested in a comprehensive reform, only in using this issue to look strong for the devout followers of the man with the big brain.