National popular vote in the United States is a reform demanded by the current senator from Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren, who is one of the Democratic candidates to compete for the White House in 2020.
Warren during an event held in Mississippi, called for ending Electoral College. Instead, she asked a national popular election scheme for the presidential election.
Senator Elizabeth expressed her point of view on the US electoral system and said that “every vote matters.”
“And the way we can make that happen is that we can have a national voting, and that means getting rid of the Electoral College,” she added.
Congresswoman Warren said she was encouraged to send the message of change of the electoral system from Mississippi, because during a general election “candidates don´t come to places like Mississippi” and other states that are not coveted.
“They also don´t come to places like California and Massachusetts, right? because we´re not the battleground states,” she noted. “We have to make sure that every vote matters.”
The major of South Bend, Indiana and mayor of Indiana and Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg, also called for the ending of Electoral College, and said earlier this year that it has made the United States less democratic.
Vermont US Senator Bernie Sanders and also Democratic candidate asked for a “reevaluation” of the Electoral College” in 2016
This impulse to consider moving to a national popular vote occurs while several Democratic states have joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement that would avoid the Electoral College if sufficient states are united.
Also it is necessary to emphasize that in the last presidential elections; Donald Trump lost in the counting of the popular vote and prevailed in the White House thanks to the Electoral College.
Translated by: Jose Espinoza