It was a shameful performance by the Republicans in Congress attempting to discredit and intimidate the witnesses that are providing information to impeach the president. Some of the questions directed at Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, a genuine war hero with a purple heart, were intended to question his loyalty. Vindman was born in Ukraine, and came as a toddler to the United States with his family, running away from what was then part of the Soviet Union. The witnesses, from Ambassador William Taylor and George Kent, to Jennifer Williams and Alexander Vindman, have helped to outline a series of actions geared to put pressure on President Zelensky of Ukraine to investigate the Bidens and the election of 2016, in exchange for releasing the $400 million in aid approved by Congress. Adam Schiff, who leads the Intelligence Committee and his fellow Democrats have endeavored to find evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors in order to impeach the president. But the Republican opposition is not only intent on impeding the process. It seems that their only strategy is to discredit the witnesses, attacking their reputations in order to create the impression that they cannot be trusted because they have a hidden agenda. To that end, Representative Jim Jordan suggested that Lt. Col. Vindman was not loyal to this country. The questions from Jordan and other Republicans did not aim to clarify the issue of whether or not Trump attempted to bribe Zelensky, they just wanted to undermine the credibility of Col. Vindman and the other witnesses. Volker and Morrison, who were called by the GOP to testify provided further evidence that Trump, using Rudy Giuliani, Mike Pompeo and Gordon Sondland were involved in a quid pro quo. In the end, Col. Vindman stood taller than Trump’s minions. His is a true profile in courage.