In recognition of October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Philadelphia Bar Association is dedicating its LegalLine service to the issue of domestic abuse and violence. LegalLine is a monthly evening call-in service provided by the Philadelphia Bar Association, offering free legal advice on a range of topics including estate law, landlord-tenant disputes, workers’ compensation, employment law and more.
The Association will be offering free legal advice to residents of Philadelphia and the surrounding counties on Wednesday, October 16; from 5 to 8 p.m. Members of the public can access LegalLine by calling (215) 238-6333.
Area residents seeking confidential legal advice will be able to speak for free with a volunteer attorney from the Philadelphia Bar Association or Woman Against Abuse.
In a guest op-ed in thePhiladelphia Free Press, Thomas E. Rogers, senior managing editor at the Philadelphia Bar Association writes:
Family violence is a serious problem not only nationally, but also here in the Philadelphia metro-area, which affects many adults and children throughout our community. It’s a shocking statistic – more than 14,000 Protection from Abuse Petitions are filed each year in Philadelphia County alone by abused individuals.
To put this in perspective, every nine seconds a woman in the U.S. is beaten or assaulted by a current or ex-significant other. Just as important, 1 in 4 men are also victims of some form of physical violence by an intimate partner.
To help those in need of legal advice and to navigate their rights, the Philadelphia Bar Association is dedicating its LegalLine service in October to the issue of domestic abuse and violence.
Our goal is to always provide a place where Philadelphia residents can turn when they are looking for legal advice and support.
Periodically, LegalLine spotlights a specific area of law and, on Wednesday, October 16 from 5-8 p.m., the free service available to all in our community will focus on domestic violence, in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Partnering with Women Against Abuse, Philadelphia’s leading domestic violence advocate and service provider and among the largest domestic violence agencies in the country, lawyers trained in family law will be on hand to field calls for those seeking legal advice.
Residents who plan to seek advice on domestic violence issues are encouraged to make sure they are in a safe place when they call. The Philadelphia Bar Association created the Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) in 1948 to address the demand for legal services in the boom following World War II. Since then, more than one million people have contacted LRIS for help with their legal problems, and LRIS has grown to become one of the largest public service programs in Philadelphia.
And then in 1982, the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division, in partnership with LRIS, started LegalLine, which takes place once a month throughout the year and is always free. Callers who contact LegalLine can expect to speak with a volunteer attorney who can offer appropriate advice and guidance.
A caller who needs further assistance can be directed to a legal aid organization or may be referred to a vetted and qualified attorney through LRIS. LRIS is a community service for our all our neighbors to utilize. It is a leader and role model for lawyer referral programs across the country, and it is our hope that other communities can replicate what we are trying to do. Lawyers who accept referrals through LRIS must meet strict requirements. They must be in good standing with disciplinary authorities, must be insured and must meet experience requirements specific to their areas of practice.
These requirements demonstrate LRIS’s commitment to helping the public find qualified and affordable legal help. Over the years, this service has been well received and we believe we are making a difference. As an example we have the note we received from this local senior citizen who obtained help from LRIS during a recent referral, “Thank you for listening to my problem and helping me find an attorney. The attorney was able to fix everything for me. It’s nice to know there are people out there to help when you really need it.”
Our hope is that this special free community service devoted to Domestic Violence Awareness Month provides the legal help to those in our community suffering from abuse who may need it and not know what to do.
The Philadelphia Bar Association, founded in 1802, is the preeminent metropolitan association of lawyers in the United States. It is a keystone in the ongoing developments of the Philadelphia and Pennsylvania legal systems. With more than 200 years of dedicated service to stand on, the Philadelphia Bar Association is firmly rooted in the Philadelphia community as a steady and reliable bellwether.
LRIS is a service by the Philadelphia Bar Association, and is available at (215) 238-6333, or online Call LegalLine on Wednesday, Oct. 16 from 5-8 p.m. at (215) 238-6333.
For interviews about the free, legal advice and the special LegalLine dedicated to Domestic Violence Awareness Month, please contact Thomas E. Rogers at or 215-238-6345