There is no way to make Trump understand the reality of the facts as they develop in Venezuela and elsewhere. By all accounts the president doesn’t read and even the brief reports given to him by the staff are often ignored. He certainly is not following the advise of the intelligence services regarding Russia, Saudi Arabia, NATO, immigration and more. Trump says he knows more and understands more because he has “a big brain.” His minions feed the illusion of his greatness and his vast knowledge, protecting his ignorance. That is the main reason the media, the people who slap his face with the real facts, have been declared the “enemies of the people.”
In the present reality of Latin America, and specifically in the case of Venezuela, the facts are incontrovertible, but Maduro, like Trump is attempting to establish an alternate reality. He and his predecessor Hugo Chavez, dismantled the Venezuelan economy. the sanctions that Maduro is blaming for the chaos in Venezuela are the product of his and Chavez’s policies. Donald Trump needs to understand that Russia and China are deeply involved in Venezuela and that a crisis comparable to the Cuban Missile Crisis is near. China has invested up to $50.000 million dollars with no hope of repayment. Russia has landed two bombers in Venezuela and about 100 Russian military personnel. Colombian President Ivan Duque characterized the action as “unfriendly.’ The United States will face a serious political threat in Venezuela. By all rights, the South American continent should be an ally of the United States. But racist politics and lack of an understanding of geopolitical realities will force this country to confront a crisis in its back yard. And all this occurs because Trump wants to remain willfully ignorant of Venezuelan reality.