After Trump threw a temper tantrum and closed the government back he was denied funds for the wall nobody wants, his followers want us to give him credit for opening the government. That is a totally absurd argument, equivalent to praising a bully for removing his foot from your neck.
At a meeting of Republican and Democratic Party voters in California with veteran Republican pollster Frank Luntz, some members of the group said Congress and the media were to blame for the shutdown, but a majority blamed Trump. Five members said it was ok to close the government and two of them blamed Nancy Pelosi, one of them going as far as accusing her of treason. The same person, a European immigrant said that the country needs a wall.
What a panel of this type tells us is that we are very divided and confused. Obviously those who follow Trump believe in the necessity of the wall to protect this country from the brown invasion coming from the south. The more rational voters among us will be looking for the right candidate to represent a different point of view in 2020 and building a wall will not be a requirement for anybody’s platform. The opposition to Trump cannot be divided in the 2020 election and there must be a solid front.
It is disturbing that Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks intends to run for president because he will dilute the resistance and Trump is already celebrating the fact that someone is running as an independent. Mike Bloomberg has decided to run as a Democrat because he knows a third party will divide the anti Trump vote. Bernie Sanders might feel encouraged to run in view of socialist Ocasio-Cortez victory. But he and other should set aside their egos for the good of the country.